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Dragon Ball Z : Oyako Kamehame figure

Hi bloggers, back again with a great figure from Dragon Ball Z. This figure is quite interesting and a must for the Dragon Ball lovers, taking a setting when kamehameha final blow Son Gohan against Cell. If you still remember this legendary scene, this figures could bring back a great memoriez huhuhu...

If I not mistaken, this scene was put on Dragon Ball comic vol.32, am I right ??? This is the situation when Son Gohan was exhausted and his left arm was broken. Cell want to destroy Son Gohan and the rest of earth. Son Gohan want to fight it with his Kamehameha, but he do realize that his power is not enough to fight Cell back. But his father, Son Goku helped him from heaven ^^ with his kamehameha too. Actually this scene is a nostalgic and tragic too.

Created quite neat and detail by Bluevy, with high total approximately 18cm, this figure is made from PVC, ABS, and the packaging with a window box. Just see the detail, this is quite absolutely an awesome figure they made.

Estimated to Arrive on September 2009, so may come to indonesia approximately early October. Price for itself is Y10.500 or Rp 1,250,000, wow what an expensive figure ^^ but the price is ver worthed for those Dragon Ball lovers. If you interested with this great stuff well let me know hehe...


Yanuar Catur said...

waduh2,,jadi ke inget sama kamehame nih

japraxxx said...

jd teringet film dragonbal evolution.....
tp ga bgtu sukses c film bioskopnya.. :D

RiP666 said...

maap klo jadi keinget weheheheh ^^

hihihi iya bro, movienya agak kurang tuh, maklum komik super keren ini susah direalisasikan :D

ririn said...

hahaha..akhirnya..ada juga toy yang aku ngerti :D

vol 32? wuu...sampe inget gitu ripp.. bukannya udah lama ya,hehe

waaa.. jadi tampak oke, kalo lagi kamehame rambutnya seru,hahaha..

genial said...

kamehamehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!! bluuuuuaaarrr!!!

RiP666 said...

hahahhaa...karna crita yg ini berbekas bgt buatku ^^, itu jg klo ga salah, soalnya aku g punya komiknya whehehehe
hehehe itu rambut super saiya 2..

aagkkkkkhhh aku kena weheheheh

Flash-man said...

nice blog...

seri said...

dragon ball siapa ngak minat aku sendiri punya koleksi peribadi

@ Coy said...

tak disangka dan tak di duga2 ternyata akhirnya (engak nyambung mode on)....
Muncul juga action figurnya dari adegan yang paling keren, padahal dulu masih mengayal hehe...

RiP666 said...

makasih sob ^^

wah pecinta dragon ball nih heheheh...

weheheheh.... ng...personal apa ya ? lupa tuh jiakakakaakak

@ @coy
wekekekekek...aku jg sampe ngos2an kesananya (ga nyambung mode ON )

Bung Sigit said...

hoho..koleksiku dragon ball dah pada ilang dibawa sepupu..sekarang sedang jatuh cinta dengan kamen rider..heheheh..

Irn@19 Shop BDG said...

Wuyyyyyyyy... Ini dia kartun kesukaan gue.. thx kawan.. gue suka banget... oya sering2 posting..Sigoku yaa.. jgn satria baja hitam terus...heee
Once again makase

RiP666 said...

wehehehe...aku jg nih cm ada nmr 42 doank hahahah...
wih suka rider nih skrg hehehe

weeeewhhhh...ternyata bnyk jg yg suka yah hahahah...tapi dragon ball susah bgt carinya, yg lagi panas ya para rider heehehe..sama2 thanks dah mampir

andie said...

kayak aseli bos!!!


bola semangat.

didiet said...

yang keren kalo songgoko gabung ama bezita, waaah gak terkalahkan

Trihas said...


RiP666 said...

hehehhe iya bro, sclupt nya emank bener2 hidup...

@didiet Bezit ya, iya ahirnya lepas jg pas masuk dlm tubuh Bhu

wahh emank keren bro hihihi

itdot said...

info mantep sobat
coment balik uga ya soba

tripzibit said...

Keren abis bro...:D

Anonymous said...

wah ne baru keren
dragon ball

foto said...


RiP666 said...

wah thanks sob, segera ^^

hihihi maknyuuss

hehehe kamehameha


angga weblog said...

Wohh.. harganya mahal banget yah. Dulu seneng bgt nonton dragon ball, seru... sekarang jamannya Naruto

RiP666 said...

iya sob...^^
hehehe walau dah berganti masa, dragon ball tetep diminati :D

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

What a detail Dragonball Z kamehameha pose!

RiP666 said...

sure it was bro ^^

Unknown said...

This anime cartoon in my opinion, is better than any other cartoon I seen. I still watch it whenever I get the chance to. It's character development and the plots of the whole Dragon Ball Z Episodes story is superb, the animation is full of action, and every ending of an episode leaves you wondering what may happen next.

RiP666 said...

I'm glad that u like it ^^

Anonymous said...

wah keren sob
sekali si freza donk rip

RiP666 said...

hmmm freza ya,,ada ada ntar ya ^^

aphied said...

ini keren sekali, bener deh ripp. . .

goku, gohan, emg komposisi t'baek hhe. .

request bulma dunk ripp. .
hhe. .

goceng said...

udah lama aq ga baca komiknya dragon ball...jadi pengen baca lagi...

ashwani barola said...

Dragon Ball Z is entertaining, attention grabbing, appealing and gorgeous TV show which has received positive response from audience of all age groups since its premiere. Everyone who loves Dragon Ball Z episodes also desires to download Dragon Ball Z episodes.

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