"When war is in your blood, killing's as easy as breathing…..”- John J. Rambo
Capturing the essence of Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo from the latest Rambo movie, this amazingly detailed 12" statue portrays Rambo as seen at the end of the movie after the climactic battle scene. Dirty and bloodied but triumphant, he surveys the battle scene.
This incredible piece of art is constructed from heavyweight polystone and then hand painted to the finest detail.

Product Specifications:
License: Rambo
Product Type: Polystone Statue
Product Size: 12" Tall*
Artist: Sculpted by Edinho Maga and Painted by Dan "Danno" Cope.
Manufactured by: Hollywood Collectibles Group
Limited Edition Size of only 500 Pieces Produced Worldwide.
This item is due out 1st Quarter of 2009.
visit Razor's Edge Collectibles for further detail
Wuih seru kayaknya nih.
wuiiihhhhh kereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn hahahaha
cuma bs bilang...
kayaknya sih seru... loh??
WOW yeah ^^
edan keren abis nih bro.
kok mirip aku ya? haha
bajakannya udah ada blum ya he..he..
wahh... patungnya kyk beneran.. kerennn :)
@kios Info
iya nih...
haha iya, sama gendeng nya...wkwkwkwwkkw
hehe blm ada bro, yg asli baru mo muncul awal 2009...
iya mba' agak mirip ya haha
ehh tapi kok keliatannya kurang mirip ama Om Sly Stalone ya??? hehehe
hehe ini om stalone di rambo 4 bro...memang dah agak tua dia hehehehe
jadi inget filmnya waktu kecil.....
hehe john rambo emank ga ada matinye
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