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2 Award from Tripzibit

Pagiiiii smuuaaaa....
Di pagi yg cerah ini marilah kita sama2 menuju ke TPS untuk menentukan masa depan nasib bangsa kita ^^...Siap siap buat mencontreng, jangan golput donkk!! oke coyy...

Show must go on nih,,,pagi ini mo ngerjain PR award dari sobat blogger Tripzibit .... dapet langsung 2 award nih. thanks bgt ya sob, daku diberikan 2 award ini wehehehe....oke deh, tancap !!

Ini nih awardnya....
Blogger Award Friendship

The rules are:
1. Place the logo / banner on your blog.
2. Add a link to the blog who gave the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to the blogs that you have nominated.
5. Let them know by leaving a message (shout) on their blogs.

dan yang ke 2 adalah Smart Blogger Award

The rules:
1. Link the one who gave this award and let them know you posted it.
2. Pass this to as many Smart Bloggers as you can think and make sure to write something about them, like what makes you think they are Smart.
3. Let them know they have an Award.

hmmm....kali ini akan saya lemparkan award ini kepada sobat blogger
Rantaro , Bunda Azka , @ Coy , Debrian , IFOEL , Fajar Design, E-je , dan kepada sobat blogger smuanya...

mohon 2 award ini diambil dan di kerjakan untuk kepentingan bersama hahaha...

Sukseskan Pemilu hari ini ya...!!


e-je said...

wokeh siap, ambil dulu yah ntar di kerjainnya...
thanks ya sob..

RiP666 said...

sep dah bro, sama2 ya

fajardesign said...

thanks simpen linknya kerjakan nanti yaaa...

sip sip...

ifoel said...

thanks awards nya ya..???
siiipppp.. ntar aku post.. save ja dulu

Debrian said...

wah di bookmark dl bro..
ntr di posting..
thanks ya award nya :D

Bizja said...

wah slmat ya yg dpt award :D

Home said...

asyik dpt award byk neh

Health said...

mantaps neh dpt award :D

Rantaro said...

tengkyu bro award ny
di pending dl ya
ntr baru di kerjain

RiP666 said...

sama2 bro...sep dah ^^

oke deh sob hehe

yo'i bro hoho

yup, selamat buat mereka yg ketiban award wehehehe

hohoho yeahh

enak tenan bro ^^

oke sob...weheheh

the beauty of riau said...

slamat ya masdapetin award

RiP666 said...

yuup..thanks ya ^^

@ Coy said...

Thx ya...
entar tak kerjain tapi sory mungkin agak lama di postkan habis masih banyak antrean post yang musti di publikasikan tapi pasti tak postkan deh hehe...

the beauty of riau said...

selamat ya dapetin award, tidak golput khan kemarin

RiP666 said...

@ @coy
sep lah, gpp kok bro hehehe

@eri communicator
thanks bro, alhamdulillah kmrn ga golput haha

heee familiar ya namanya hehohoho

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