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S.R.H. Vol.2 Masked Rider 1 - Masked Rider The Next

Here we go again with big Masked Rider fix Figures, it is almost 60cm tall. wheeew... what a great look if this thing show up in our room ^^. Well this Thing definitely not mine, I'm here just want to share n shows several pictures about it. Hope you'll enjoy it.

The second of Super Real Heroes that shows an overwhelming sense of existence. Hiroshi Maeta who served as the suit actor of the first masked rider by "Masked Rider THE NEXT" is scanned Three dimensions. It faithfully reproduces it based on perfect ratio data.

A genuine suit is verified, and the whole body such as the mask, suits, and belts complete is reproduced. Real through is pursued by using a synthetic material for the suit. Sharp or more and a real forming are achieved as it does and metallic parts are used for clear parts and antennas for the buckle of the belt and the machine screw of boots for C eye and O signal of amount.

Moreover, the wound etc. of the head that shows the mark of the hair and Icsa excluded from the helmet complete are reproduced.

"TURN" The typhoon rotates with the button, and C eye always lights with the "EYE" button. In addition, the effect sounding when transforming from the speaker of the plinth and the typhoon rotate when the "DEMO" button is pushed. C eye emits light with the transformation completion sound afterwards. The sound and the transformation process by the gimmick complete are reproduced.

The typhoon rotate when the "DEMO" button is pushed

- The total height: About 600mm
- With plinth with serial number
- Use battery: For three (another sales) AA batteries and AC adaptors (attachment)
- The world limitation: 600(The serial number cannot be confirmed from the outside box.
The serial number cannot be selected. )

Source by 1999


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This look like the original G1 Mask Rider? Seems like Mask Rider has a lot of figures to buy too...

Senoaji said...

sumpahhh keren sob... berepa duittt yang kayak ginuan... itu skala berapa sob??

LEon said...

Look expensive!

RiP666 said...

@dennis was plenty of masked rider figures that worth to buy...^^

sep dah...aku lupa itu hrga detilnya, yg psti jeti jeti lah hehehe...
klo ga salah skala 1/4. tingginya 60cm

yes, it is. just posted in my blog was more cheap than having it...hehe

SEDONA said...

Just dropping by.. Good day

Anonymous said...

wah keren banget...
topengnya bisa dibuka engk?...

devianty said...

penggemar rider yaa...met pagi...

RiP666 said...

thanks my friend, have a nice day too

@ @coy
sep bisa bro, klo di buka kabel smua hahah

hehehe ga juga mba'...cuma iseng huhuhu

Anonymous said...

waduh jadi inget masa kecil nih

dulu saya penggemar masked rider
yg dulu namanya satria baja hitam haha

KazeTora said...

Ichigoooo... double rider kick!!!

Keren abis... tp ini yg the next sih. Ah well, berhubung gw fans Kamen Rider ini terhitung manstabh.

Ga ngembat, rip? Keren lho...

Anonymous said...

Lha kok udah lecet2 kayak gitu ya? Pesen yg masih mulus ada nggak ya?

RiP666 said...

hehehe di ingat terus ya

hehehe iya ni yg the next... klo bisa sih pengen di embat, tp berhubung ga nyampe, pass dulu lah hehe

hahahaha itu pas dibuat, helmnya jatoh...ya enggaklah, versi movienya emank gitu hohoho

Anonymous said...

Looks awesome..

RiP666 said...

yes it is. ^^

Anonymous said...

wah...ngiler doang.. gak bisa beli..

RiP666 said...

ikutan ngiler mba' sllurrrrppp

Anonymous said...

mask rider yahh.. looks like very Expensive

RiP666 said...

iya bro,, emank agak mahal tuh barang hehe

Anonymous said...

Seems this toys very expensive !

You really have nice and best collection toys :D

RiP666 said...

yes it is very expensive,, i'm sure i just have the picture only hehehe

SunDhe said...

wow @_@

ada satria baja hitam *kwakakakkk.. bener ga yah.. jd keingat waktu sd*

ups!! salah..
masked rider.. kwakakak..
tp ttep aja mirip kan??

RiP666 said...

hehehe iya ada, tp nama sebenernya tuh masked rider black, ga tau kenapa diartiin jadi ksatria baja hitam...masked rider ada banyak lho selain ini hehe

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