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Project BM : Masked Rider Kiva issues

hello are you today??
hope you all doing fine...heh
After the last posted about 12 inch figures, today i'm gonna post hot picture about Masked Rider Kiva...
Here it comes....!!!

This is 12 inch action doll made by Bandai and Medicom Toy's collaboration, so that's why this is called Project BM.. Well,,,it will release on this year, but i don't know the further details. We'll see it later...^^

Just look at the picture... Masked Rider Kiva was really cool...
Just wait for the next information about this great action doll. I will post it later...

hohoho... while searching about Masked Rider Kiva, i found great Masked Rider 1 collection by TyronePoon toysdaily.... wowwww. i imagined it how long he has been collected it..

saluted for him (^o^)

Collection pic by TyronePoon toysdaily


Anonymous said...

waduhh... koleksinya keren nih... kirim dong satu hehee...

Anonymous said...

diantara semua kamen rider yg paling aku sukai tu desaignya si kiva rip, kereeen bgt dari pada kamen rider lain...tapi kalo segi cerita kurang suka si kiva...kapan si decade, uda keluar blm decade rip. he3

Anonymous said...

wah.... didit kok tau banget ya??? duhh... kok aku ketinggalan berita hehe... gaptek neh...

RiP666 said...

bukan punyaku mba' T-T

hehehe iya sih, kiva emank manteb desainnya, secara vampir gitu...
decade baru pilm nya doank, eps 3...
klo figure nya blm, tp pasti

RiP666 said...

hehehe si didiet mah empunya kamen rider ^^

Anonymous said...

blum sempet lihat filemnya ya udah nongol action figurnya....
telat ama diri q ini...

RiP666 said...

@ @coy
santai bro. aku jg blm sempet nonton pilmya hahaha...
ni lagi nyari klo2 ada yg mo bagi2 donlodannya mpe tamat

Anonymous said...

wah gw suka Masked Rider...
mpe cita2 waktu kecil jd Masked Rider

Anonymous said...

pokoknya kalo rip posting kamen rider aku pasti komen deh mbak lyla...he3...fanatik bgt ama kamen rider, dibilang kyk anak kecil ama temanku gara2 aku suka lihatin kamen rider tapi aku si cueeek aja...he3

Anonymous said...

wah... mana ini hadiahnya katanya mau dikasih hadiah... minta punya didit aja deh... tp punya didit koleksi mainannya dah butut blm yak hehehe....

Anonymous said...

Kamen rider Kiva kurang begitu suka sih, tp desainnya emang keren. Kamen rider plg bagus tuh Kabuto

RiP666 said...

buset...masak cita2 ku mo jadi tukang cat

empu lho ^^

iya mba'...ambil yg didiet aja...
masih bagus kok, cuma lumutan dikit

haha kabuto jg bagus kok...

Anonymous said...

kasih link download kalo udah nemu ya?...

Anonymous said...

wah ada kamen rider kiva nih, minta satu donk he..he..he..

RiP666 said...

@ @coy
ada sih bro
tapi ada 48 episode, bisa gila klo donlod smua dari awal hehehe...
makanya mo cari temen yg dah donlod smua, trus di burn ke dvd ^^

hohoho boleh bro...
langsung minta ke pabriknya ya ^^

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