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Project BM Wataru Kurenai

Bandai & Medicom continue their collaborative "Project BM!" line, which is essentially the "let's do the recent guys in Medicom RAH 1/6 size since we're still only up to Kuuga in the main line" spin-off. What I mean is, the name might be different but these guys are Medicom Real Action Heroes through and through. The spin-off started back in 2005-ish with Kamen Rider 1 & 2 from THE FIRST, then saw characters from Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, & THE NEXT join the line-up. Now, later this year Kamen Rider Kiva (Kiva Form) already get his due.

The first news of this guy came out in the magazines earlier this month, but we've finally got some really good pictures courtesy of Ami-Ami.
Check 'em out here.
As you can see, this looks like one of, if not the best Kiva figures ever. With 6 removable Fuestles, a removable Kivat, extra hands and parts for changing his leg armor to "open" mode, plus a display stand, it looks like one to invest in. Also, the figure upholds the level of quality Medicom has been putting into their figures for years. Look at those chains!

Obviously, he's not going to be cheap, but I find Medicom RAH/Project BM! figures are always worth it. Especially with the latest, "DX"-type releases, which are about as good as it gets for accuracy to the original suits and nifty extras. If you're a Kiva fan and you want just one really good big 'ol Kiva figure, this looks like the one to get.

With the release of Project BM Kiva a few days ago, with the ticket inside, Project BM Wataru Kurenai can be ordered on the official website Medicom. As usual, for mail order goods, the goods can be ordered only official diwebsite and they just want to send in Japanese only.

The following Project Specification BM Wataru

* Height overall 30cm
* Can be two heads, one normal, one patterned as willing to change.
* It can also belt and can be revoked kivatnya pairs with magnetic systems, and also two kinds of kivat.
* The costumes were given silhouette make it look more realistic
* The number of possible join to some style figure.
* Body essentially using RAH301
* It can stand for the figure

Source from JapanFreakz


Ello Aris said...

Waduh, aku ndak ngerti, wong tulisannya punya orang sebelah. Pokokny nice lah...
*sorry komenku nggak tepat sasaran*

RiP666 said...

hehehe gpp bro,,cm bagi2 info ^^
thanks ya

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Can he fly with the wings on his boots?

ifoell said...

Kabuto..? hmm pernah dengar nih tokoh waktu zaman masih kecil dulu

RiP666 said...

actually those wings used to Kiva's attack, Rider kick...!! :)

hehehe... jaman kecil dulu aku cm tau doraemon wae ^^

didiet said...

kereeeen...double ada gak rip

Dunia Ifat said...

keren banget, udah keren, ganteng pula hehehe

RiP666 said...

double masih sebatas yg kecil2 diet...hehehe segera menyusul

wahh mantaph berarti yah hehe

xander said...

nihh tokoh nya asalnya darimana yahhh

Pempek Kaizen said...

i don't like kamen rider... onepiece kapan new info request dunk!!!!

RiP666 said...

dari kamen rider Kiva bro ^^

hahaha segera di input =P

tripzibit said...

Keren juga,bro. Tapi i lbh suka koleksi gundam hehe...

RiP666 said...

hehehe iya bro,, sama2 keren kok diliat dari tipenya ^^

Anonymous said...

i see thanx you vry nice post alışveriş

Andie said...

mirip kuuga ya gan. tp cowoknya jelek euy. hehe.

RiP666 said...

you're welcome

hahaha mirip maho ya

Bung Sigit said...

ane perhatikan dari project BM, bahwa bibir Wataru ga bisa digantikan dengan mainan..hahah..
yang asli lebih imut..haha

KangJoko said...

waduh... info dari nte semakin menarik aja nih ...

salut saya :)

Novita said...

Kunjungan sore menjelang malam sahabatku!, mas Rip, saya follow ya, jangan lupa follow balek ya mas..! thanks!

ririn said...

ripp!! so missing u're blog,hahaha :D
hm,hm.. for long time i didn't come, and it's still..kamen rider,right? could you get unlimited info bout it?i think i wanna release a book of kamen rider's by printing your blog,hehe..

@ Coy said...

mantep gan....
Walau udah banyak yang comment tetep q comment karena q emang suka hahaha...

h-run said...

wow.. kewweenn.. *padahal ga ngerti

Herveen said...

update lg donk Rip..kyanya dah lama ngga posting

Unknown said...

aku suka gambarnya aza... kalo bacanya ndak mudeng..

Wahyu Zuli Firmanto said...

hello my friend..
kamu suka banget ya ma action figure?

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