yuhui....dapet award lagi nih...kali ini datang dari Maynanda yang telah sudi memberikan award ini & menjadikanku tersangka >.<...haha jadi tambah semangat buat ngeblog nih

The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.
oke dah....ni award mo di terusin ke :
1. Ifat
2. Mba' Nia
3. ymut's
4. Mas Tony
5. Rofi
6. masenchipz
7. Mahen-Jambi
buat yg di serahin award ini agar terus semangat dan tetap berkarya dalam dunia per-blog-an...
ini jg berlaku jg buat smua teman bloggers...
sori bahasanya kalang ngidul....wehehehe
Wow....i got award again... deeply thanks to sunny that gaves me this reliable award...
really appreciate it...
I would like to give you this lovely award because I enjoyed reading your blog.
The instructions for the passing on of this accolade are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
2. Link the person from whom you received your award
3. Nominate up to 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated
I would like to pass this award to the following bloggers, grab it guys if you don't have one yet ;)
1. ecpassistant
2. Mechvanity
3. Bena
4. Borneo Tips
5. Harry
6. Ragnarok World
7. Appz dl
keep blogging for everyone...it's my pleasure to visit your blog..
terima kasih yang setinggi-tingginya untuk rip666 yang telah nyamperin aku untuk award nya, cuma aku masih kago dan kaget untuk nerusinnya gimana, belum dapat support nih !however thank you very much my best friend !
trimakasih yg tak terhingga kepada rip666 asli tersanjung nih ane.... untuung g kesandung hehehehe...
ngambilnya gmn bro...? yg jelas gw appresiasi bgt bro....asli, ternyata rip666 sangat friendly bgt dengan kumandang cinta.....tks bro... go ahead
hihihi... riPP baekk... rajin bagi2 award..
tapi lebih hebat lagi, rajin juga dapet award dari orang,ckckck..
emang top :)
wah rajinnya ngerjain PR kyk aku hihihi
hwek... dapet lagiii... wah... gw paling bandel klo dpt PR gak pernah dikerjain niyyy... jadi maap ya... o..iya... sekalian mohon maap lahir bathin niyyy... he..he...
@mahen & rofi
sama2 bro...hehe
terbang ke langit
thx mba'...buat menghormati yg memberi hahaha
gpp mas...
maap lahit batin jg ya
yeahh! i recieved that award from sunny too... hes so cool( iam reffering to suny not the award..lol) joke... just kedding... theyre both cool
waaaa....banyak bener ni awardna..hihi... *minta kuwenya dunk :D
hehe many thanks to him
ga nyangka jg nih,,, thx buat smua yg dah ngasih smua award...
boleh...ambil aja kue nya he
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