DC Direct and its stable of talented artists have to develop new ways to disguise their useful articulation of the figures who have the appearance of artists to the three dimensions, a fan, but still not all products are preparing several articulated statue. With this in mind, DC Direct has enabled us to look more closely at the Joker figures are sculpted by fan-favorite Tim Bruckner.

The challenge facing the translation of Alex Ross' Joker in the action figure is able to bring in the historic "with his hands resting on the cane as well as the design flexible enough to allow him to hit alternative poses like the hands on the hand. He gave the ball articulated shoulders modified, re-enacting the ball inverted neck, wrist articulated ball joints of the elbow and modified V-crotch articulation to give a wide range of maintaining the integrity poseablity the nyayuschih intact.

just look at his crazy face, what a great detail they made...

The Clown Prince of Crime haunts his arch-rival Batman as he enters into the league of assembled villains. This Alex Ross Justice League Joker action figure features a cane, multiple points of articulation and a display base. Packaged in a four-color blister.
source by action figure insider
Nice joker figure.
kerennnn... fotonya joker... tp bikin mimpi seremmm... hiks...
wow...mantabh dah......
tapi yang lebih mantab ya ini : Adakah hubungan antara sukses dengan komunikasi dengan kesuksesan? temukan jawabannya hanya di Gudang Kata..
@dana telco
wah thanks bro ^^
hihihihi, baca doa sblum tidur mba' ^^
@gudang kata
mantabh tuh bro hehehe
wah bagus euy
hahaha merep nian sm ta io serem rainyo..wkwkkwwk
wehehe.. ntu joker musuhnya batman kan
hihihi thanks yao
mirip sih, tapi pantatnyo b
iya bro, tapi versi komik klasik ^^
Just look at the sinister face! He is one irritating villain!
sure he is, actually i prefer joker classic than joker the dark knight. this one is more brutal LOL
super joker
thanks ^^,, joker is kiliing me hahaha
cool banget hehe...
@ @coy
wah terharu aku wehhehehhe
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