Here we go again with Spider-Man statue from Marvel. It isn't quite new actually, but it sure made a great oportunity for us to buy it ^^. Hopes you enjoy the show...
Sideshow Collectibles is proud to present the Iron Spider-Man Comiquette, the latest addition to our Marvel Collectibles line. This includes thoroughly detailed database FEATURING intricate blend of stone in the ruins. Iron Spider-Man Comiquette is cast in high quality polystone, hand painted and hand finished to exacting standards. No Marvel display is complete without this amazing collectible, the Iron Spider-Man Comiquette.
After the death of more than 600 civilians during a failed reality show tracking FEATURING heroes villains, the government approved a superhero registration law. This law divided the heroes of the United States, forcing them to choose to support the law and deal with it. The two heroes set out to extremes, as Iron Man took over the pro-registration camp, while Captain America chose to keep the record to fight camp.
Iron Man Under the leadership of Peter Parker decided to make public his identity, and recorded himself. This prompted Iron Man to design a new costume for Spider-Man. This new costume, using much of the technology of Stark in the armor of Iron Man has three retractable spider-built weapons in the back. The new suit offered Spider-Man advanced surveillance capabilities, bulletproofing Further, the ability to breathe underwater, and a number of other features including the ability to become invisible cloaking based on advanced technologies.
Source by Sideshow Collectibles
waw very coool....
Mohon dukungan
@tukang arsip
thanks bro...
kerennn abisss.....
@vicky & Able
waaa...thanks ya sobat2 ku ^^, smoga ga ngebosenin
wew keren nih
spiderman pake baju iron man ya??
Hey, this spiderman looks a villain to me!
But it's cool and very badass looking!
iya bro, spec dr iron man, ini di pake pada komik Civil War
yup, It is designed by Iron Man to force the Captain America side, but in the end, spidey left this suit to wear his old suit and joined Capt.America
ini dia mantab abis...keren dah ada filmnya lom ya..
Sangar bro...
Tp mirip doctor Oktopus ya?..
@putra sigit
iya bro,,pilmnya blom ada, cuz di komiknya para superheroesnya rame bgt, susah kali di buat ^^
@ @coy
hehehe mgkin tersinspirasi dikit ya, ampir sama fungsi ama dokt.oct
wah,keren b anget.ajarin dong. itu b kn sendiri gambarnya ?
@gudang hikmah
wahhh bukan bro, ini smua maenan, spider man ini patung/statue, smua hasil jepretan poto bukan gambar ^^
Walaupun jarang liat / ngikutin marvel... Tapi keren bro. Kostum spidermannya beda ^_^
Walaupun aku jarang liat / ngikutin marvel... Tapi keren bro. Kostum spidermannya beda ^_^
Kayaknya serial komik marvel tambah aneh ya bro. Tp keren juga, nunggu filmnya aja
keren spidernya warne merah biasanya biru heheheh
yup, desain dari iron man nih ^^
iya bro, tambah campur2 banyak banget hehehe...
wehehehe iya fat, cm beda kostum doank ^^
wahh...apa nih gabungan y...cocok banget buat pajangan tempat gue...wkwkwkwk...
wehehehe emank maknyus klo di pajang ^^
suka banged ma maenan pajangan gitu y
hehehe lumayan suka sih, tp lebih tepatnya keracunan ^^
wah mantap tuh spidermannya,ngemeng2 klo pngen beli dimana sob???
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